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    Public Relations

    In today’s ultra competitive business world, public relations must serve as much more than the voice of your company. It must also inform, educate, and influence all key constituents, from prospects and customers to industry analysts and financial stakeholders. Successfully meeting this mandate requires an extensive range of services, as well as the discipline, experience, and talent to assure efforts are carefully planned, on target, and on message. Many companies – some newly-emerging local businesses, others established multi-national enterprises – realize these objectives by partnering with Young & Roehr Group.  

    Corporate Communications
    Influencing perceptions, shaping behavior and gaining positive media attention are essential to business growth and prosperity, which is why so many companies turn to YRG. More

    New Product Launch
    Not even the latest and greatest product or technology can make it in today’s marketplace without a well-orchestrated and sustained strategy to keep you in the news and top of mind. That’s a YRG specialty. More

    Media RelationsOne press release does not a program make, nor can a company hope to stay top of mind without sustained relationships with all forms of media. That’s where our public relations service shines. More

    Writing Services
    Anyone can write a simple press release, right? You’d think so, until you try it. That’s when so many of our clients hit “delete,” then hit “speed dial” to YRG. More

    Industry Analyst Relations
    Most corporate leaders are either unaware of the many influencers who impact their business, or don’t have a clue how to reach them. May we assist? More

    Public Speaking
    Does the average person fear the prospect of public speaking even more than death itself? Part of our public relations service is helping make your interface with the public a lot less painful. More